Saturday, January 22, 2011


Journal: September 22, 2008 - Big Sur along Highway 1-California

My Beautiful Father,

I am always thinking of you, Abba.

I am so speechless at this view.  I've been to 17-Mile Drive again and seen those gorgeous homes.  I've spent my time wondering, what is that life like?  The one that can afford a house like that, the one that affords a view of the ocean all of the time day or night, any season, the ocean in any of its moods.  What must that be like?  Do the people living in those homes, the rich, do they ever reach the point of taking their views of the sea for granted?  Or are they continuously in awe of the panorama before them?  What is it like when a storm comes in from the sea?  Do they feel vulnerable?  Afraid?  Or when the thick fog comes rolling in every afternoon or evening?  Do they know the highway so well that they can drive it even then?  What must it be like?  I wonder, do they know their neighbors?  What kind of  careers are affording these homes?  What does a person do who lives along 17-Mile Drive?

The Big Sur is so beautiful from the very eerie cypress trees to the cliffs.  The highway lays so close to the edges of the cliffs sometimes, that I never lose the thrill, a scary thrill for me, of being on the edges like that.  I can look all the way down once in awhile, and I still catch my breath.  It is so powerful and long a fall, should one fall.

Well, I'm just musing, Father.  The sea is so beautiful this evening.  So incredibly beautiful.  Thank you for such a deeply moving gift of sight so that I may look out, way out, and see the horizon so far away.  It's huge, the ocean, huge!  And so powerful with so many mysteries under its surface, water founts and riptides to name a couple.  It's a marvel to me, as are You, Father.  You are a marvel to me.  You are so generous with Your artist's hands.  I love you so very much, for You are as beautiful, no, even more beautiful to me as I look at You with the eyes of my heart.  Thank You for this glorious day, Father.  Your Marni

When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator
Mahatma Gandhi quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948)

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